What is it?

It is an SIA solution focused on personal and professional development in agribusiness issues using coaching techniques. This edition will focus on integrated crop-livestock systems: its concept, opportunities, disclosed techniques, productive design, management, contracts, among others.

To whom is it directed?

It is designed for farmers and other agricultural professionals who want to go far beyond where they are today in their AGRO-WORLD. There will be only 20 vacancies.

What does it include?

The FARM COACHING consists of a four days immersion, in which coaching tools will be worked and developed in alignment to the proposed technical theme, resulting in the action plan elaboration. The immersion process will be composed by modules with contents such as: effective communication, entrepreneurial attitude, time management, soil use and management, nutrient cycling, integrated crop-livestock systems in uplands and lowlands, crop rotation, business management strategies, among others.

For after the immersion process we will provide a six months package including support, interaction and network so that the participants can reach their goals.

At the end of this stage, we have planned a retrospective and sharing experiences meeting that will take place in Santa Maria prior to the Mosaic of Agribusiness 2018 – the main SIA technical event whose theme is about integrated crop-livestock systems.

When and where?

Immersion will take place in December 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th 2017 at the Getúlio Prime Offices Auditorium (building where SIA is located) Av. Getúlio Vargas 1157 | Porto Alegre – RS

Retrospective meeting will happen in June 13, 2018, Park Hotel Morotin. BR 287 | Santa Maria – RS

How much does it cost?

Individual registration: R$ 2,850.00 or 6 × R$ 500.00



Elisa Portella

Fernanda Moojen


What is it?

Personal and Business Coaching sessions held individually in which the costumer’s Action Plan will be built during the Farm Coaching immersion. Goals will be monitored, new goals will be established, difficulties emerged along the way will be discussed, as well as joint solutions will be built, always stimulating new challenges.

To whom is it directed?

For Farm Coaching participants.

What does it include?

Includes 4 sessions of Individual Coaching, lasting 90 minutes, 45 minutes of Personal Coaching and 45 minutes of Business Coaching. By acquiring Recharge, the client gains access to a virtual channel through which he can send in his questions, report his advances, share information and, weekly, at Thursdays he/she will receive a response from the Personal and Business Coaches.

When and where?

The 4 sessions will be held in the semester following the Farm Coaching immersion, once a month in the SIA headquarters.

How much does it cost?

The value for the Farm Coaching PACKAGE including 4 Coaching Sessions, to be held once a month, is R $ 1850.00 (or 6 x R $ 330.00).


Elisa Portella

Fernanda Moojen

Why should I do both?

The Farm Coaching immersion will awaken in you a series of insights and projects to be developed, and you will leave the immersion with an Action Plan to be put into practice. In this way, Recharge comes to help you not to let this Action Plan get lost. Helping you, individually, in the difficulties encountered along the way, drawing alternatives if necessary, re-establishing goals and thus increasing opportunities to materialize the Action Plan. Recharge is an unparalleled opportunity to bring Coaches closer to you, thereby optimizing your desired results and increasing your chances of success!

When you hire both (Farm Coaching Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems Edition + Recharge) we will have a discount: from R $ 4,700.00 to R $ 4,500.00 or 6 x R $ 780.00.

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