SIA will be one of the institutions promoting the project, which aims to disseminate sustainable production systems that integrate crops and livestock (ILP) in Mato Grosso, providing training and participating in field days at reference units in the regions where the project operates. and in the manufacture of technical materials with a focus on technological innovations in sustainable production. The sustainable production, innovation and market subprogram was supported by the Federal University of Rondonópolis (UFR), an educational institution that is a partner of SIA, through the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (FunBio).

According to the SIA supervisor in the Mato Grosso region, Ana Zazycki, the new project strengthens and adds to the expansion of the work that SIA has been doing in the Center-West of the country. “We strongly believe that sustainable production and integrated production systems will be the main guides for food production in the world. We work directly with universities and initiatives such as the SIPA Alliance, because we value and work to bring what is new in research to our clients, every day. We work for science in real time in the field”, says the supervisor.

SIA will work together with IMA (Instituto Matogrossense do Algodão), UFR and Aliança em Sistema Integrado de Produção Agropecuária (SIPA) on this project. “The actions that will be developed by SIA reaffirm our purpose as a company, which seeks consistent information and helps rural producers in their various activities”, concludes Ana.

The project will be coordinated by professor Edicarlos Damacena de Souza, professor of the Animal Science course at the Institute of Agricultural and Technological Sciences (ICAT) at UFR. According to the professor, the project’s main objectives are the generation of knowledge in sustainable production systems and the dissemination of these systems to extension workers from the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of Mato Grosso (EMATER-MT), extension workers from the Instituto Mato Grossense of Cotton (IMA), technicians from the private sector and producers.

About the project

The sustainable production, innovation and market subprogram aims to benefit small and medium-sized producers, as well as the production and value chains of the three main commodities in the State of Mato Grosso: livestock, soy and timber forest management. The selected institutions will work to develop good practices and reduce liabilities in these chains, while ensuring greater access to markets.

The resources will be managed through the IMA, however the equipment will all be donated to the UFR, as well as postgraduate scholarships will be allocated to conduct this research. “With this project we will carry out a series of courses, lectures, field days, book publications, website maintenance, social media, with the aim of disseminating these sustainable production systems with a strong focus on soy and livestock in integrated production systems. agricultural production” explained Professor Edicarlos.

Editor: Karen Nunes

*with information from UFR advisory