People management on farms is a fundamental stage of the production process and is completely related to the success of any initiative within agribusiness.
Developing a quality People Management process offers several benefits for the business as a whole.
However, today it is no longer enough for the manager to have technical knowledge of his property. It is more than necessary that he develops as a leader in order to manage his work team.
Knowing yourself is the first step towards developing as people, because it is through self-knowledge that we strengthen our skills and become more confident, which allows us to better deal with the difficulties we encounter along the way.
The more a person knows themselves, the better they relate to people, engage and connect with their life purpose.
When you have purpose, you have motivation!
Without motivation, people cannot produce as much as they should, as it is motivation that gives people a reason to act, to work well, to feel happy, inspired and fulfilled.
When people work motivated, they achieve better results.
The big challenge is maintaining this motivation in the face of all the challenges that we encounter daily.
It is for this reason that internal motivation must always be monitored and stimulated, to serve as fuel for personal and professional success.
Managing people properly brings with it many benefits, such as the ability to identify problems, analyze them and solve them in a creative and appropriate way.
When people live in a good work environment, with attention, recognition, motivation and defined goals, they feel happier.
A motivated and engaged team produces more and with higher quality.
This is why it is so important that business managers know that to achieve better results they need to invest in their work teams, look at each employee as a human being who has different skills, areas for improvement, feelings, beliefs and different objectives. .
One of the great difficulties we have today in structuring an efficient People Management process within the farm is the fact that the majority of managers in rural areas are from a generation accustomed to more hierarchical management models, in the “leadership” style. authoritarian.
This model worked for many years, but today it no longer works.
And changing this “mindset” is a difficult task, because it requires a change in culture, and changes in culture generally take time for people to internalize their importance and be able to apply the necessary movements in their daily lives.
The current people management model requires greater engagement from the leader, more assertive communication, the ability to deal with people from different generations who have different talents, potential and points for improvement, requiring differentiated monitoring.
Furthermore, we have this generational difference within the farm management process, through family succession (but this is a topic to talk about at another time).
The manager today needs to be clear about his purpose in life, purpose for the business, for the farm, and his actions must be based on these purposes.
Not only operational purposes, but also ones that involve your mission and values, such as producing healthy food, sustainable production, quality excellence in products, motivation, etc.
When it comes to the farm, the team must be aware of these purposes, as it is they who will enable them to be achieved!
This way, people become more engaged, have more desire to make things happen, and are aligned with the values and mission that the farm has in relation to agribusiness.
Do you want to be the manager and leader that your team and your rural business need?
CLICK HERE and find out how we can help.