SIA TOTAL – integrated and complete management of rural properties


Anyone who works in Agro knows how challenging it is to run production systems, dealing with so many variables at the same time. We have no control over some of these variables, such as the climate, the market… and others we can even control, such as the variety to be planted, how much fertilizer to apply, managing people, controlling production costs, when to buy and when to sell.

There are so many decisions to be made at the same time, that if we are not organized, using the right tools that really work in business management, it is very easy to lose efficiency, competitiveness and also lose a lot of money!

In these 10 years of SIA’s history, in an experience built together with thousands of producers served, diverse stories and businesses of different sizes and realities, we identified the 8 tools of the Result Farm in the 4 main areas of management!

These tools, put into practice in a simple and effective way, change the reality of agricultural businesses and multiply the results of these Farms!! Come with us to learn about SIA Total, the four fields of management and the eight tools for success!

Nutrition Management

1 – Farm Design -> Area that is stopped and not producing means revenue that stops coming in, which is why it is extremely important to have a plan for the use of the areas well outlined throughout the year and for several years, closing the productive gaps between one crop and another, in addition to seeking the best arrangement between different crops such as soybeans, corn, rice, annual and permanent pastures, with a good crop rotation plan and a forage plan that meets the nutritional needs of the herd. Farm Design is the starting point for the management and success of the enterprise!

2 – Pastures and supplements -> As important as planning and implementing good pastures is knowing how to harvest this pasture and transform it into money through the animals’ performance. We work with Rotational Grazing, an innovative concept where management goals are based on the animal’s choice to consume the best the pasture has to offer. From there we can adjust total diets where rations are complements to enhance gains and results!

Herd Management

3 – High performance -> The animal categories of a herd are like gears in an engine. Each one has a mission to fulfill and needs fuel efficiency. Therefore, having well-defined goals and monitoring the performance of each category throughout the year must be a priority in any production system. Performance control serves both to manage the business and to project new sales and new purchases.

4 – Animal health -> Everyone knows that a healthy herd is a big step towards good animal performance, but each property has a different health challenge, specific to its management history. If the farm buys and sells many animals per year, the region it is located in, the genetics and health history of the animals, type of pasture… all of this influences the health of the herd. Therefore, each farm needs a customized health plan, in addition to constant attention to unexpected events. Planning and monitoring health is everyone’s obligation for the good of the business!

Financial Management

5 – Annual Budget -> When we define what we will do in each area of ​​the property throughout the year, and the level of technology used, we automatically define the production potential and revenue expectations. With the budget we have an “accounting mirror”, anticipating the expected result of the production system and foreseeing whether the account will close or how it will close. Distributed month by month, it allows you to project the farm’s cash flow and adjust the production marketing plan. Checking “budgeted versus realized” is a guarantee that there will be no negative surprises at the end of the operation.

6 – GerenSIA – Control of income, expenses and results -> There is no point in producing more and more, if we don’t look at how much we are paying, only then can we assess whether the business meets one of its main objectives, which is to make a profit. We know this income and expense control is not easy, which is why we use the GerenSIA platform, a simple and practical way to visualize finances in real time, make assertive decisions and get the results in the palm of your hand! This tool is here to take away the producer’s headache of collecting notes, as it will represent the automation of accounting!

People Management

7 – Human Capital Profile -> Labor in the field is an increasingly scarce resource. Knowing in depth the potential and limitations of the work team is fundamental to distributing the team in the most efficient tactical scheme, where each person can deliver their best in the role and in the way that yields the most. Furthermore, this tool allows us to plan and implement a training process aimed at upgrading the overall quality of the farm’s team of employees. Yes, human capital is the greatest asset of any business!

8 – Impact Plan -> People rarely have all the skills necessary to perform the roles they occupy on farms. This is a constant process of developing and improving the skills needed for that role and for the next ones to come. With the profile of employees mapped, however, we cannot “attack” all needs at once, for this, we developed the Impact Plan, where we can see what the most important first steps of development are, where we should start, which actions will generate the fastest results, for the individual and this multiplies with the entire team.

And don’t forget: those who run the business, after all, are the PEOPLE!! TIING THE 4 FIELDS AND 8 SOLUTION TOOLS

Did you see? This is SIA TOTAL, our proposal for integrated, complete and practical management of rural properties. There are 4 fields and 8 practical planning and control tools. There are still administrative, legal, digital and other aspects to be considered. But with this set here, we can guarantee that your farm will be placed on a different management level, which will certainly lead the business to profit.

Did you like it? Made sense? Come and find out more about all this, get to know SIA TOTAL better and practice successful livestock farming!

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